Monday, January 17, 2011

City of Bones the next Twilight?

Most of you are probably thinking to yourselves, 'What the hell is City of Bones?' City of Bones is a book that is now part of a 6 book series called The Mortal Instruments created by Cassandra Clare. The story takes place in New York City where the protagonist, Clary Fray, is mixed up in a world of demons, angels, werewolves, faeries, vampires, etc. But of course there is action, blood, sweat, tears, romance = the whole Young Adult (YA) genre. I'd tell you more but I suggest you read the series [so far] for yourselves.

It sounds awfully like a souped up twisted version of Twilight huh? Well, it probably will be.
City of Bones is in, of course my own strict opinion, a very different story than Twilight. There is more action, more mystery, and well...more of everything than Twilight initially wants you to think. Except maybe the conflict with the whole possible incest situation that was absent in Twilight...OOPS. But don't worry I would never discuss anything that was completely immoral

What I am trying to say is that City of Bones is a great book. But will the fans now (which I consider to be the underground fanbase) be overwhelmed by the expansion of popularity and followers? As a Twilight fan since 2005, all I heard was smack about the Twilight series JUST because of the fans! I fear this will happen again with the City of Bones, especially since parents are letting their 10 year olds these days reading about demonic creatures spilling blood everywhere and angels receiving tattoos with not needles but 'steles'. Because getting bitten by a hot guy is cool too.

And may I just say that Twilight the movie compared to Twilight the book, was god awful. Hopefully this movie will not be awful and will be good.One more thing to add; a new Kristen Stewart will probably emerge from this movie too. According to Clare's blog ( Lily Collins, the teenage girl who played Oher's onscreen adoptive sister in The Blind Side, will be playing Clary Fray (protagonist). Speaking of her website I decided to post the official information below according to Clare's website:
* Screen Gems has teamed with Constantin Film and Unique Features to develop the motion picture franchise MORTAL INSTRUMENTS based on The New York Times Bestselling book series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Jessica Postigo penned the script which is based on the first book in the series, City of Bones.** Constantin Film’s head of Film & TV Martin Moszkowicz will executive produce and Robert Kulzer will produce the project via the Constantin Film banner along with producing partners Michael Lynne, Robert Shaye, and executive producer Dylan Sellers via their Unique Features banner.

Mark my words, if City of Bones is anything like Twilight between the fanbase and the quality of the movie I will not be surprised one single bit.


  1. Well, Liz as a reader of your blog you certainly read my mind. My first impression was "what the hell is this?" but I became engaged as you explained the story and related it to Twilight, which by the way, I am not a fan of. I am now anxious to read the book and hopefully like it as much as you do!!

  2. I used to be a huge Twilight fan as well, until the movies came out. I can no longer read the books normally because I just hear screaming teenage girls everytime I read "Edward". I also picture the actors and actresses instead of what I thought the characters would look like. I despise most of the actors they choose for the movies. This has destroyed my image and liking of the books forever. The City of Bones sounds interesting, but it seems too much like the vampire/werewolf fan that we are in now. I would much rather read the book than see the movie because of the experiences I have had with Twilight.

  3. I read the Twilight books in high school without anyone knowing what it is. It's insane how much the movies were able to make them this popular. Some books like that I believe shouldn't be given to kids younger than high school because not only can they barely relate to the characters, clearly they don't know how to handle what they've read.
