Later on in 1975, King got another novel published named Salem's Lot. Honestly, the only thing I know about this novel is that it is a haunted house/vampire story. A mini-series that was later put together as a film came out in 1979 starring David Soul and James Mason. In 1987, a sequel came out to the film [never to the book] which was called A Return to Salem's Lot. There has also been a 2004 remake of Salem's Lot into another t.v. mini-series starring Rob Lowe, Samantha Mathis, and Donald Sutherland.
Cujo was published in 1981. It was later made into a film in 1983. The story is basically about a mother and her son trapped in a car because their rabid St. Bernard was bitten by a bat with rabies. Talk about one freaky nightmare! From my research the movie IS different from the book but not by much. I'm not telling you why XP The film was directed by Lewis Teague and it stars Dee Wallace [the mom from 7th Heaven!], Danny Pintauro, and Daniel Hugh-Kelly to name a few.

In 1977 Children of the Corn was published as a short story first published in the March 1977 issue of Penthouse and later featured in King's 1978 literary collection Night Shift. In 1984 the first Children of the Corn movie came out directed by Fritz Kiersch and starred Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, and R.G. Wells. This novel/film is basically about a bunch of kids living in a nearly-desolate town who get sucked into this craziness of murdering people and whatnot all for some super-natural being. You'd probably get a better idea off of Wikipedia...
Anyway, the last one I am going to mention is Pet Sematary. This novel of King's was published in 1983 and later adapted into a film in 1989. The movie is about the Creeds who movie to some random town in Maine and they come to live right next to a creepy, and I'm guessing weird/haunting cematary that even the neighbors are creeped out by. This film was directed by Mary Lambert and starred Dale Midkiff, Fred Gwynne, and Denise Crosby.
Well, that's all for now. Next week I will talk about Stephen King's novels into movies from 1990-Now.
Don't be too creeped out ;D