According to, " The story is straight out of the chick-lit handbook — perky-but-underdoggish New York lawyer Rachel is in love with her best friend Darcy's fiance, whom she drunkenly beds on her 30th birthday. She then has to choose between her friend, her lover and her self-respect. It's a morality play, really — albeit one set on beach volleyball courts in the Hamptons."
From the movie trailer it tells me that Rachel, who I assume is Goodwin, has had a love for her best friend Dex forever. But when her best friend Darcy [Kate Hudson] comes into the picture she has to decide whether to keep herself happy or Darcy happy.
Will I see it? Doubt it. It looks silly. But because it does, maybe I will---but I won't go right away.
Ratings yet? Nope.
I will say this! The movie is directed by Luke Greenfield and the actor who plays Dex, Colin Egglesfield, is a cutie! ;)